Ways to be Involved
Committees & Volunteer Positions
Board of Deacons
The role of the Diaconate Committee is to assist with many aspects of worship, including readings, prayers, offerings, and administering sacraments, including Baptism and Holy Communion. They may assist with education and development, home communion, and the business administration of the church. The Board ensures that all elements of the worship services follow UCC and UUA guidelines.
Business Committee
The purpose of the Business Committee is to maintain, review and oversee the development and implementation of the financial and business aspects of the church. This includes maintaining the church meetinghouse, parsonage property, and church grounds. The committee also develops the annual church budget presented to the membership at the Annual Meeting for approval and then manages the church business affairs to that budget.
Church Council
Our Church Council meets quarterly to coordinate the activities of our busy church. Representatives from the various Committees work together to be sure that we are all pulling in the same direction. The officers of the Church Council provide the leadership that we need to continue to follow in the paths Christ leads us.
Flower Committee
The Flower Committee sees to it that flowers are placed on the altar for every worship service. They organize special flowers during Christmas and Easter, and provide people to place flowers on the altar in memory of loved ones.
Missions Committee
The Missions Committee extends the church's outreach to surrounding communities, both within and outside of Charlton. We are responsible for coordinating youth and adult missions trips, dinner at the DISMAS House, and the annual Rake' N Run and Spring Cleanup, among other activities. We have a Charlton Aid program that supports needy Charlton residents and other programs which help support needy residents and organizations. We have an active committee, which meets monthly, that helps implement and oversee all of it.
Money Counters
The Money Counters are responsible for recording and depositing contributions to the church. Two Money Counters are assigned each month to work together under the direction of the Assistant Treasurer. Counting takes place weekly immediately after the church service. Additional Money Counters are needed for 2022.
Music Committee
The Music Committee consists of at least five persons, each a one-year term and an option to continue serving an additional year. Along with choir members, it is preferable to have at least one congregant on the committee. The committee, along with the Music Director, coordinates the music program of the church. Currently, Pastor Gary coordinates the hymns during worship, and the Music Director chooses two pieces for the choir. The Committee is responsible for recruiting choir members and is responsible for the care and upkeep of choir robes, music, and equipment used by the organist and choir. The committee generally meets once a month, separate from choir practice on Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm. The music for our Church is an integral part of our Worship Service.
Religious Education Committee
The Religious Education Committee consists of the Church School Superintendent and at least three other persons, all to be elected at the Annual Meeting for one-year terms, and eligible for reelection, except the Superintendent, who shall be elected for a three-year term and be eligible for reelection. The committee shall assist the Teachers of the Church School classes and personnel for other religious education efforts (i.e., Vacation Bible School). The committee shall be responsible for all activities pertaining to the Cradle Roll and Nursery. The committee shall establish policies for the Church School and offer assistance to the Superintendent, young people's groups, and the heads of the church organizations in planning and executing their programs of Adult Christian Education.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is a seasonal group that meets in the early fall to decide on a theme and plan out the logistics and messages leading up to Stewardship Sunday in mid-November. An introductory letter and pledge cards are sent out by email or USPS early in the cycle. Handwritten thank-you notes follow after pledging is complete.
During the weeks between the introduction and Stewardship Sunday, messages based on the year's theme are presented during service. The goal is to maximize pledge participation while mindful of 2 Corinthians 9:7 that "God loves a cheerful giver." The committee works in coordination with the treasurer. The Business and Missions Committees use the pledged offerings for their annual budgeting.
Technology Committee
The Technology Committee is a new committee that reviews and provides support for the various technology needs of our church. Currently, we are updating the church website and Facebook page and creating procedures on how to use the church equipment for zoom meetings. Future efforts may include providing online giving and reviewing the church software used to store member information. The committee meets monthly.